We are a servant church where new and lifelong Christians are becoming deeply committed followers and servants of Jesus Christ.
At McPherson First we hope you:
We are committed to Apostles' Teaching, Fellowship, Worship and Sacraments, Prayer, and Generosity and Justice.
We are governed by a single leadership board that meets monthly to oversee the governance of missional priorities of the church. The Leadership Board is responsible for the church's faithfulness to the Great Commission, aligning church resources to the mission and vision, creating accountable systems and processes, and focusing on the areas of stewardship, strategic alignment, generative future-focus, and accountable leader. The Leadership Board is nominated by the Nominations Committee annually at the Charge Conference. The Leadership Board oversees the Pastor. The Pastor provides oversight and management of the ministry teams and staff.
The board meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm in the Serve Center.